Learn to Fly in Boston

Earn Your FAA Ratings

Schedule a Discovery Flight Today

Flight Instruction

Are you a student at MIT or in the Boston area? Are you looking for an affordable route to your PPL/CPL? Learn more.


Grayson Bertaina, CFI, AGI/IGI

About Me

I am an undergrad at MIT studying Aerospace Engineering! I love to share my passion for aviation with friends, family, and strangers. I learned to fly in Civil Air Patrol at the age of 17.

In the spirit of helping others learn about aviation, I started working on this site in late 2020. I'm working to add content, develop materials, and create resources for my students and anyone who could use them.

To make this project happen, I applied the skills that I use to create professional websites for clients with my company, Gray AerialVisual (https://grayaerialvisual.com).

If you're intersted in learning to fly and are a student in the Boston area, please reach out! Keep scrolling down this page to learn more about what it takes, estimated cost, and more.

My Courses

Discovery Flight

Come up for a discovery flight! If you have ever looked up at airplanes, and felt anything, this may be for you! Becoming a pilot is just like any other rewarding skillset - it takes practice, study, and dedication. A discovery flight is for just about anyone - whether or not you desire to earn your pilot's license.

More information:

  • 1 Hour Discovery Flight
  • Introduction to Aeronautics
  • Introduction to Principles of Flight
  • Is flying for you? This is the best way to find out.
If you would like to book an hour long dicovery flight, click below. MIT Students recieve 10% off - contact me for details.

Private Pilot Course

This is the learn to fly course! From 0 hours to licensed pilot. Please see our PPL guide to learn more about what it takes.

  • Earn your Private Pilot Certificate
  • Complete the PPL Written Exam
  • Pass your FAA Checkride
  • Learn how to be a safe and effective pilot.
So, what will your PPL cost? Here is an estimate here at Beverly Muni with me.


  • Cessna 150 (110hp) - $~78/hr wet + $30/hr for instructor = ~$110/hr
  • Average Total Time to PPL: 60-75 hours - we will target 55
  • Part 61 Instruction (Part 141 tends to be more expensive)

Item Est Hrs Est Cost Total Cost
Dual Flight Training 40 $110 /hr $4,400
Solo Flying 15 $78 /hr $1,170
Ground Training 10 $30 /hr $300
Written Exam + Prep Course $270
Checkride 2 $800 + $78 /hr $956
TOTAL $7,096

I will always work to minimize your total cost while upholding high standards.

Commercial Pilot Course

This is the learn to fly course! From your PPL to your CPL.

  • Earn your Commercial Pilot Certificate
  • Complete the CPL Written Exam
  • Pass your FAA Checkride
  • Perform manuevers at the commercial level.
  • Have a commercial pilot level of aviaiton knoledge.
So, what will your CPL cost? Here is an estimate here at Beverly Muni with me.


  • Cessna 150 (110hp) - $~78/hr wet + $30/hr for instructor = ~$110/hr
  • 250 Hours Complete - only CPL requirements remain.
  • Part 61 Instruction (Part 141 tends to be more expensive)

Item Est Hrs Est Cost Total Cost
Dual Flight Training 10 $110 /hr $1,100
Solo Flying 10 $78 /hr $780
Ground Training 5 $30 /hr $150
Written Exam + Prep Course $270
Checkride 2 $800 + $78 /hr $956
TOTAL $3,106

I will always work to minimize your total cost while upholding high standards.