
Helpful guides, links, and resources for pilots of all skill levels.



Use this page to find resources for flight instruction, scholarships, and more.

FAA Ratings Learn to Fly - Boston

Scholarship Resources

Find scholarships to support your flight training!
AOPA Primary and Secondary

Scholarships up to $10,000 towards PPL or advanced ratings. Application period annual from Nov 1 to Feb 11.

EAA Flight Scholarships

EAA has multiple cycles each year for various primary and further rating scholarships. Up to $10,000. Cycles Sept 1 - Nov 1, Mar 1 - June 1.

AAERO Student Pilot Scholarship

Scholarship for PPL between $250 - $2500.

Aero Club of New England Scholarships

Numerous scholarships for PPL, IRA, and advanced ratings. Application closes Mar 1 of each year.

Nintey-Nines Flight Scholarships

Generous flight scholarships for women. Up to $20,000 for primary or advanced training. Must be a member of the nintey-nines. Application window closes Jan 1 each year.

Leroy W. Homer Jr PPL Scholarship

This foundation scholarship is for PPL training in the amount of $5,000. Application period Oct 31 - Jan 31.

Scholarship Guides